Jakarta, 26 April 2018 – The industrial revolution 4.0 has been present in everyday life. The term blockchain, big data, and cryptocurrency already crowded discussed by society at large. Presence of various online platform that connects users of transportation with driver is one of the early indications of the entry of the industrial revolution 4.0 in everyday life.
The wave of technological advancement certainly brings a change in the economy. This change is undeniable will also bring unintended consequences in other areas, such as education, health, agriculture, and the environment. So that the perpetrator should anticipate a wave of industrial revolution was with proactive. Consequences that appear like the growing number of unemployed due to a reduction in human services, increased sewage plant, and decreased socialization became a special concern for the community. Each development certainly followed the positive and negative impact, including in the advancement of technology is certainly not only gives a negative impact but also have a positive impact for the environment and communities for a better future.
Instellar as one social enterprise ecosystem driving force remains consistently held various activities of incubation and Acceleration for social entrepreneurs and investors to build networks and partnerships with various parties. Awaken & Rediscover Indonesian Social Enterprise (ARISE) with the theme of Impactful Technology for A Sustainable Future this time was present at the event for many perpetrators of social innovation that want to use the latest technology to solve a variety of problems socially and environmentally sustainable solutions.
“There are a lot of innovative solutions for many social and environmental problems that are done by our social entrepreneurs in various sectors. This solution has a wide range of power when using technology appropriately. Objectives ARISE is raised a wide range of innovative solutions in order to greater benefits for the people of Indonesia through creative collaboration with different stakeholders, including private companies, investors, and Governments, “explained Romy Cahyadi, CEO Instellar.
Panel sessions featuring ARISE regarding the development of technology for social change and its effects, how to use the fintech to create financial inclusion, as well as the impact of technology for a better future. This forum is completed by a wide range of selected panelists, among them CEO of GE Indonesia are Handry Satriago, SR. Technology Evangelist Microsoft Indonesia Julius Fenata Imron Dattabot Zuhri, CTO, CEO of E-Fishery Gibran Huzaifah, VP Growth Amartha Fadilla Tourizqua, Head of Digital Banking Bank DBS Indonesia Leonardo Koesmanto, and Head of Legal Modalku Chandra Kusuma.
On this occasion also launched the ASEAN Social Enterprise Structuring Guide by the British Council. The session discussed the legal framework for social enterprise in Indonesia and ASEAN is filled by SR. Programme Manager British Council Indonesia Ari Sutanti, Director of the Global Social Entrepreneurship Network (GSEN) Peter Ptashko, co-founder of Socolas Gita Syahrani, and CEO of Fractal Batik Nancy Margried.
ARISE is a demo day for the incubation program alumni Rise Inc. this time 10 social enterprises from 23 participants who have undergone the process of incubation in the program Rise Inc. doing pitching before the panelists selected from the Managing Director David WIND Soukhasing, co-founder of Garden of Impact Investments Mason Tan, Editor in Chief of Tech in Asia Pradipta Nugrahanto, and Investment Manager of Convergence Ventures Clairine Runtung. During the program, an intensive Instellar provides accompaniment on business planning, marketing, and finance, to access the funding source in the form of grants and soft loans for social enterprise at its best.
ARISE since 2017 is supported by Bank DBS Indonesia which has special concentrations for social enterprise development was held Thursday, April 26, 2018, at the Soehanna Hall, The Energy Building, Jakarta.
Instellar Indonesia
V-Office District 8, Treasury Tower Lt.6 Unit F
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52-53, SCBD Lot.28
Jakarta 12190
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