Hyundai Start-up Challenge (HSC), which marks its third year in 2022, has selected local social ventures that can create social impact and solve various social problems related to the environment, employment, electric vehicle, and healthcare sectors in Indonesia. 826 teams completed their application in the recruitment stage, showing the highest competitive ratio ever of 55:1.
Among the 15 teams that were finally selected, an opportunity to visit Hyundai Motor Manufacturing Indonesia as Hyundai Motor’s Indonesian subsidiary plant and expert consulting were provided during the program. In addition, each team was provided a grant worth 9 million won during the program to expand the business.
As the final engagement of the acceleration program, Hyundai Motor Group recently held the Hyundai Start-up Challenge Indonesia 2022 Demo Day on Friday, November 25th, 2022. The Demo Day event, located at Studio 1, Epicentrum XXI, South Jakarta, was entitled “Move Impact Forward, Together” and emphasized three essential aspects: Move Sustainability Forward, Move Equality Forward, and Move Accessibility Forward.
On this Demo Day, the Hyundai Start-up Challenge winners were announced. Hear Me, which improves accessibility for the hearing impaired through the development of sign language translation/interpretation applications, was announced as the first winner and entitled to a grant of 32 million won. The second winner is Syams, which aims to empower local people, and manufacturing Indonesian traditional handicrafts through upcycling caught attention. Syams was entitled to a grant of 16 million won. And at last, Algobash was announced as this year’s HSC third winner. This e-commerce enabler works on the tech-based platform to support digital workforces, resolving educational inequality through Indonesian programmer training and interview platform, entitled to a grant of 8 million won.
The Hyundai Start-up Challenge Indonesia 2022 Demo Day, which was held offline for the first time this year, was attended by more than 100 social ventures as well as local venture investors and Indonesian government officials such as the Director of Applications, Games, TV and Radio Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy Iman Santoso, confirming that there is a high local interest in the local social impact.
The Vice President of the Hyundai Motor Asia Pacific Headquarters Kanghyung Lee emphasized the future role of the Hyundai Motor’s Indonesian plant, which held the completion ceremony in March, saying, “As the cooperation between Indonesia and Hyundai deepens, I believe that the brand value of HSC will also rise steadily. Hyundai Motor Company will continue to help solve Indonesia’s social problems through creative and innovative ways, and contribute to the nurturing of youth entrepreneurs in diverse areas.”
In addition, the Director of Applications, Games, TV and Radio of the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy Iman Santoso also shared her insight during the speech “I would like to express my gratitude to Hyundai Motor Group’s HSC, which is in line with the Indonesian government’s digital transformation goals, and hope that these collaborations and partnerships will help strengthen the digital ecosystem in Indonesia.”
For further information about the program, please follow HSC’s Instagram account @hyundaistartupchallenge or contact the official contact person via admin@hscindonesia.id (email).
Hyundai Start-up Challenge Indonesia 2022 is an accelerating program and a challenge competition organized by Hyundai Motor Group in partnership with People and Peace Link (PPL), Merry Year Social Company (MYSC), Instellar and Community of Chest Korea, which aims to discover and nurture young social entrepreneurs with innovative ideas and creative solutions in environment, employment, electric vehicle, and healthcare sectors. For more information about the program, please visit hscindonesia.id, contact admin@hscindonesia.id.
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