Waste4Change is a social enterprise founded in 2014 by Mohamad Bijaksana Junerusano that provides responsible waste management services. In 2020, as Waste4Change was getting ready for a fundraising, they realized their disorganized financial records made it difficult for them to have a robust financial statement and determine their company’s valuation, the two things investors need to evaluate before they invest in a company. As a result, this hinders their fundraising process. They engaged Instellar to help them prepare a robust financial statement, calculate their business valuation, and assist them through a fundraising and investment deal process.
Waste4Change had two key objectives:
A company’s valuation is calculated with a method that needs a robust business plan and financial plan. So the first thing we did was review their existing business plan and tidy up their bookkeeping to make a financial statement that’s in accordance with the standard. We then developed a growth strategy and financial projections suitable with their business plan.
Once a robust business and financial plan was in place, we proceeded to calculate their company’s valuation. Determining their company’s valuation is a critical part in Waste4Change’s journey to score investment deals in the years to come.
The next step we did was examine their numbers, compare the numbers over time, and benchmark them against competitors; a process known as due diligence. We then proceeded to aid them in a negotiation process with potential investors from start to finish.
Through their partnership with Instellar, Waste4Change was able to:
✔ Have a strong growth strategy and business plan
✔ Produce a robust financial statement
✔ Have the foundation to land a seed round and series A investment
The foundation we provided –growth strategy, robust financial statements, company’s valuation– equipped Waste4Change with the ammunition needed to land investment deals in the years to come. This allows them to create a larger impact and meaningful transformation for the environment. In 2022, Waste4Change launched their first Rumah Pemulihan Material –a waste management facility built to optimize recycling and reduce waste that ends up in landfill–, and a second one in 2023.
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V-Office District 8, Treasury Tower Lt.6 Unit F
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Jakarta 12190
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